לשכת עורכי הדין מחוז חיפה




The Israel Bar Association was established in 1961 as an autonomous body whose main institutions are elected in democratic elections, by all lawyers, according to the Bar Association Law, 1961.The Bureau is a corporation and is subject to audit by the State Comptroller.Every chamber member, i.e. a person qualified to be an Oud and is a resident of Israel and of legal age, will be an Oud upon acceptance as a member of the Oud and must be registered in one of its districts as stipulated by law.Among the functions of the bar - to certify new lawyers; to uphold the disciplinary judgment for the lawyers and interns; to give legal aid to the poor and more.The bureaus institutions are - the head of the bureau, the national council, the central committee, the district committees - 5 in number, the national disciplinary court, district disciplinary courts, the bureaus auditor, a national ethics committee and district ethics committees.The ethics committee consists of 14 members and two public representatives and its duties are to handle complaints against lawyers, manage disciplinary agreements in the disciplinary courts and answer queries.In each district there is a central committee as the district committee is elected by the members of the Chamber registered in that district. The Haifa district committee has 14 members in addition to Yoor.The district of Haifa is the second largest district and it stretches from Hadera in the south to Nahariya in the north and Karmiel in the east.The courts in the district are the District Court in Haifa and the Magistrates Courts in Haifa, Hadera, Akko and Kiryat.The activity of the district is carried out in the attorneys office in Haifa as well as in the Hadera branch and in several centers in the periphery, namely - Acre, Kiryot, Nahariya, Karmiel, Tamra, Umm al-Fachem and Baka al-Gharbia. In addition, the district maintains a liaison office in the Hall of Justice in Haifa where various services are provided to the lawyers.You are invited to download the application where you can find:- Making contact and how to get to the office- Service for lawyers through a request in the form- Chamber events- Daily update of judges rooms- RSS news update- and more features you will discover in the application